Son of Nott by Matt Larkin

Son of Nott by Matt Larkin

I have finally caught up to (not “with”) my 2021 reviews, but this is the first I will be posting on here. It should be a fun experience getting through 2021, as I read 197 reviewable “things” last year. I shall refer to them as “things” as some people take umbrage when we refer to “things” as books when they […]

Paladin Unbound by Jeffrey Speight

Paladin Unbound by Jeffrey Speight

I’ve heard a lot of talk of this book online, so I actually signed up for Kindle Unlimited just to read it. This is the author’s (Jeff Speight) first book and he has put out a solid first effort.  The story tells of Umhra, a half-orc mercenary who is taking his small band of fellow half-orcs (the Bloodbound) to score […]

God of Broken Things by Cameron Johnston

God of Broken Things by Cameron Johnston

I reviewed the excellent The Traitor God back in 2020, so, based on my current rate of reviewing, I probably read it in 1920. However, despite reading the book in the previous millennium, I remember it well as it was great. The God of Broken Things, the sequel and seemingly final book in the series, is even better. In TTG, […]

The Scarlet Odyssey by CT Rwizi

The Scarlet Odyssey by CT Rwizi

While poking through Netgalley one day, I noticed this book. It was published by 47 North, which is Amazon’s spec-fiction publishing arm, and I’ve had good experiences with their publications in the past (Jeff Wheeler, Craig Schaefer, Mitchell Hogan and so forth), so I thought I’d give it a blast. There was one caveat – while I had heard plenty […]

Marcus Takes Command by Gilbert M Stack

Marcus Takes Command by Gilbert M Stack

Format: AudibleObtained from: AuthorListening time: 17 hours 13 minutesPublisher: ASIN: B084B8DPWJNarrator: William L Hahn I like historical fiction. A lot. In fact, I probably like HF better than fantasy (and I love fantasy), but there seems to be less around to sate my need. Seriously, look up best historical fiction and it’s predominately romance. Anyway, Marcus Takes Command has all […]

Black Hallows: Cradle of Darkness by Tom GH Adams

Black Hallows: Cradle of Darkness by Tom GH Adams

I received a free audio copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.  I like the idea that the story revolves around a planet that suffers tectonic upheavals due to its orbital alignment. These upheavals release (more) evil onto the world by means of Black Hallows (the series title). This affects different people in different ways, but the […]